Heavily inspired by and used some of Afenars awesome work. Remember to check out the video below, it covers an introduction to my user interface, as well as a section on how to install my user interface and weakauras in 3 steps. Btag: Taikuta2730 Character: Taikudda-Blackrock (eu) Configured to be used with ElvUI and OmniCC. So upon installation, if you do not have ElvUI installed, the textures on the. Important Note 2: My Plater profile uses texture from ElvUI. Not everything in the screenshot is Elvui. For example, if you have ElvUI nameplates enabled, disable them first. Frost Equifaxle 's ElvUI Profile personEquifaxle Octo1:14 AM 81032 views 14 stars 2 comments ELVUI Mage Arcane Fire Frost Raiding / Mythic+ Mage ElvUI Profile - Preheat personPreheat Decem1:20 PM 14000 views 8 stars 3 comments As seen on my youtube and twitch videos. You can join my WoW discord via this link. Important Note 1: Disable other conflicting nameplate addons, or else you would encounter errors when you import the Plater profile. Please post feedback, suggestions, or bugs under the relevant class channels for my Discord. We support exports for Private Servers and World of Warcraft Classic. Shadowlands Mage UI & WeakAuras: Frost, Fire & Arcane Nameplate Auras now has a Color by Type option which will remove the debuff type border.

I spent a good bit of time creating this, and will always keep it updated on wago. Also if you want your Details to look like mine, you can import my profile here. Skip the boring and tedious process of setting up your ElvUI profile from scratch. Hudson Nicholson 1.63K subscribers 24K views 2 years ago Hey Just wanted to show y'all how to get my UI in game. It grants will automatically install the “Accidental Presidency” font used in my UI package. You should also install Details addon if you have not already.